
INSAN was established in 1998 by a group of human rights activists. Based on prevalent needs, INSAN has expanded throughout Lebanon to cover areas such as Beirut, Mount Lebanon, Bekaa and the South among others.


INSAN envisions and believes in a world in which each human being enjoys their human rights. INSAN's mission is to promote, defend and ensure the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable people in Lebanon and elsewhere.



Total number of employees

66 % of female employees:

New Donors

53% Number of new donors (2022)



Ensuring that women, children and elderly live in a safe environment

Insan Safe House

Beneficiaries receive psychosocial support sessions and are referred to other needed services, Insan staff members receive gender sensitization training, and Insan Safe House will undergo a winterization plan.

Providing pre-vocational ...

... training and psychosocial support sessions for the most vulnerable women and girls with the aim of taking them one step further to finding or keeping employment and empowering them

Insan, Patient counselling

medicine distribution and medical referrals all over Lebanon, especially in remote areas for the most vulnerable communities, with very little or no access to medical services; through the use of the Mobile Unit (clinic).

Involved Projects