Oum el Nour Prevention

The program is tailored to the needs of each targeted group. In addition to the school’s interventions, we will build with the beneficiaries Youth Clubs to raise awareness about substances, prevent addiction, build resilience and promote a healthy lifestyle, while they become prevention agents and positive influencers on their peers.



- Strengthen the mental health and improve the resilience of the youth by building their self-esteem, teaching them emotional regulation, helping them set goals, and reinforcing their stand against peer pressure.

- Provide young people with information on the harmful effects of substance use.

Required Funds - 9,000$

0$ out of 9,000$

Oum el Nour Prevention Budget $9 041.80

The basics of the Prevention Center are information, education, and community development. The  Youth Program targets youngsters (12 to 18) through educational institutions.


- Transportation

- Equipment and supplies

- Group interventions

- Youths Clubs


Involved NGOs

Rehabilitation; Drugs; Addiction; Prevention; MHPSS; Mental Health, NGO, oum el nour, OEN, Um il nur
Oum el Nour

Along with its drug rehabilitation program and reintegration into society, Oum el Nour provides prevention of substance use and the MHPSS service